
01/08/2019 by MS Queensland

Tate’s Readathon fundraiser for his mum

For many of us the MS Readathon brings nostalgia and was often the first time we’d heard anything about multiple sclerosis (MS). For Tate Kerr, MS is a part of his every day life and the MS Readathon is a way the six-year-old can help his mum, Rachel Kerr who has been living with MS since the age of 17.

Tate is aiming to raise $500 and read 50 books, and he and his mum Rachel kindly answered some questions about fundraising and living with MS for us.


Tate Kerr, 6 years old

  1. What made you sign up to do the MS Readathon?
    My mum
  2. What have you enjoyed about the MS Readathon so far?
    Reading to my sister and my friend, baby Bobby
  3. What kinds of things have you been doing to fundraise?
    I have been telling my friends and teachers so they can join up too.
  4. What’s your favourite book?
    The SuperTato series
  5. What do you like about reading?
    I like reading to my sister because she can’t read yet. She is only 4.
  6. What would you tell other kids to encourage them to try the MS Readathon?
    It is fun and it helps you practice your reading, so you get better at it.


Rachel Kerr, MS Queensland Ambassador

  1. How much does Tate understand about MS?
    Enough that he knows it can make me sick and weary – we cover more details as individual problems crop up from it. At the moment, its normal for him that Mum spends a lot of time in hospital/a wheelchair/getting needles because its all he has ever known.
  2. How do you explain your MS to him?
    Like how some people get sick with a cold, or the flu – MS is an illness too, but MS doesn’t get better or go away like a cold would, so we just adapt around it.
  3. How does it make you feel, seeing him fundraise for you?
    Immensely proud – Tate has been part of the MS Swimathon scene since he was around 8 months old, so seeing MS fundraisers isn’t new to him, but seeing him hold his own makes me feel confident we are raising a great young man.
  4. What would you tell other parents to encourage their child to get involved?
    Try to find books that pique their child’s interest – the local library can be a great place to get a feel for what they like. Then once they’re happily reading anyway, the MS Readathon is a great place for them to be able to measure their accomplishments and raise some money at the same time.


Getting Involved in the MS Readathon

The rules for the MS Readathon are simple. Read whatever you like, as much as you can, in August. Children can register with their school (teachers you can register your class!) or individually. Best of all, by taking part in the MS Readathon, not only will you awaken a love of reading, the money you raise will be helping people living with multiple sclerosis.  There are some great rewards up for grabs, including a trophy for the highest fundraising school.

Find out more and register here

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